Prof. Ying Chen gives a talk on "Lattice QCD developments in flavor physics" at the 31st lepton photon conference
During the 31st International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies hosted by Monash University in Melbourne (, Prof. Ying Chen give a talk on “Lattice QCD developments in flavor physics”.
To summarize, the main points are:
- Lattice QCD makes a rapid progress in the study of heavy flavor spectroscopy.
- Multiquark states are hot topics of lattice QCD studies.
- The existing lattice QCD results relevant to \(T_{cc}^+(3875)\) are consistent with each other and support the existence of a shallow \(DD^*(I=0)\) bound state.
- Similar studies are extended to the beauty counterpart \(T_{bb}\) of \(T_{cc}\), and suggest the existence of a (deeply) bound \(I(J^P)=0(1^+)\) \(BB^*\) state.
- A deeply bound dibaryon \(\Omega_{bbb}\Omega_{bbb}\) is predicted.
- There are also developments in the study of charmoniumlike resonance.
- The decay properties of charmoniumlike hybrid \(\eta_{c1}\) are predicted by lattice QCD.
- More interesting works is underway.
For more details of the talk, please refer to pdf.